tiistai 7. kesäkuuta 2011

Oh my sweet nurse...

Welcome to Alchemilla..it won't hurt...a lot.

Dun dun dun dunnnn duunnnnnn!

No moar DEERS.

Om nom nom... the taste of ancients.

Summery Delight, iäiätelö, now available in the closest ice cream booths.

For ponies and pretty ladies!

Kek, guess who. Free hand, no reference pic.

It is.....Daenerys Targaryen.

Ponies, moar ponies!

My Lil' Sketch Pwny.

It's raining bad mood.

Bad Day.

Garage Sale

keskiviikko 1. kesäkuuta 2011

Dear Santa...

...gimme a proper scanner. Pref Epson or Canon. Thanks...!
I know you are on holiday and all.. but still..!

Pirates, Nurses and all sorts of Pretty Girls.

Yes, I hate the hand too, I made a mistakes while drawing the lineart. ;__;

A thing from my old sketchbook. Mmm. I like her legs.
Moar sketches, moar! Naow!

A-nu in Wonderland

DA (DeviantArt) had a competition "Picture yourself in Wonderland".

Well, to be honest, I didn't win, or even get any kind of coolness points, but I can tell you, I had fun drawing this 70's inspired thing. I have always loved Alice in Wonderland and tadah, here I am, in the middle of my own wonderland.

My lil' Pwnie.

If I was a My Little Pony, I'd call myself Toxic! *cackle*

tiistai 24. toukokuuta 2011